Tineco "iFLOOR 2 Complete kabelloser Nass-/Trockensauger und Wischmopp, Reinigung von Hartböden in einem Schritt, ideal für klebrige Verschmutzungen und Tierhaare"

CUT YOUR CLEANING TIME IN HALF Vacuum and wash at the same time. The cordless floor washer is an effective way to clean wet and dry messes on multiple sealed hard floors, including hardwood, tile, laminate, vinyl, and marble. | ALWAYS CLEAN WITH FRESH WATER The dual-tank system keeps clean and dirty water separate, so youre always cleaning with fresh water and solution. | FAST AND STREAK-FREE DRYING With up to 90%...

UPC: 0194846100755  Listing: C0B0983286

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CUT YOUR CLEANING TIME IN HALF Vacuum and wash at the same time. The cordless floor washer is an effective way to clean wet and dry messes on multiple sealed hard floors, including hardwood, tile, laminate, vinyl, and marble. | ALWAYS CLEAN WITH FRESH WATER The dual-tank system keeps clean and dirty water separate, so youre always cleaning with fresh water and solution. | FAST AND STREAK-FREE DRYING With up to 90% water recovery rate, iFLOOR 2 Complete leaves your floors completely dry and streak-free in a matter of minutes. | SELF-PROPULSION SYSTEM FOR EASY MANEUVERABILITY With a self-propelled design that helps you to move freely, the lightweight iFLOOR 2 Complete can go anywhere, and clean any mess. | SELF CLEANING, EASY MAINTENANCE Never touch a dirty roller again. The hands-free self-cleaning function automatically flushes the inner tubing and brush roller, for fast, mess-free maintenance.
Tineco iFLOOR 2 COMPLETE Cordless Wet Dry Vacuum, One-Step Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Great for Sticky Messes
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August 8th -   52.46 
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Tineco iFLOOR 2 完整无绳湿干真空地板清洁器和拖把,一步式清洁硬地板,非常适合粘性脏乱和宠物毛发

Tineco iFLOOR 2 完全なコードレス乾湿両用掃除機フロアクリーナーとモップ、硬質床のワンステップクリーニング、ベタベタ汚れやペットの毛に最適

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Tineco "iFLOOR 2 Completo aspirador de pó a seco sem fio e esfregão, limpeza em uma etapa para pisos duros, ótimo para sujeira pegajosa e pelos de animais"

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11/22/2024 04:35:01 [WSPG9D74754F4417000AE311] [DM-N]